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How to Write a Great College Application Essay and Get A +

The right start is half the success in any work, including writing an essay. At a minimum, this is the key to future success. And what is the «right start»? There are two points that you need to pay attention.

The first point is a clear idea of what will be written (main idea, storyline, and purpose). The second point is the introduction, more precisely, the key phrase, the first sentence, the task of which is to grab the reader’s attention immediately and not let go of it until the very end.

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College Application Essay is the first, and therefore the main document, according to which the members of the selection committee will evaluate the applicant. This is more than just college applications paper. That is why the essay is so important. Numerous articles and instructions on the Internet are evidence of this. To verify this, just write a query in the Google search box. The results are approximately 70500000.

Collect Information. Write Your First Outline

So, high school is behind. Ahead is college admission. Both college and the university are a must-have essay. But writing essays is not a formality at all.

Before writing an essay, you need to think about what might interest the commission. Of course, you will need to write in accordance with the questions of the essay but write your own story.

To write an original story, you need to use the so-called “brainstorming”: remember all the significant events in your life. They should be really significant, interesting and instructive. And also they must be unique, personal, without plagiarism. The general idea of the event that you are going to share with the reader is the basis and the first step of the brainstorming. And the task is to tell about yourself, about your life, about your thoughts and actions with the help of a story about this event.

But this story should be extremely accurate, concrete and concise. Of all the stories, in the end, you should choose only one. There is no need to try to push in the essay all the stories that have come to mind: the commission will not appreciate this, and if it does, it will only be negative. This story should be not only unique and exciting but also instructive. Indeed, the purpose of the essay: to show the applicant from the best side, demonstrate all the best sides of his character and all his creative potential.

And this story should not give the impression of ordinary boasting: the author must necessarily back up his statement with facts and evidence. In order for the story to turn out to be interesting and evidence-based, it is advisable for the applicant to start writing work from the outline of a future essay. It’s not scary if at first, they will be chaotic and fragmented. The main thing: the applicant will already have both the main material and an idea of the content and nature of the future essay.

Structure Your Notes and Write Draft

So, the start has been made. As soon as the work with drafts is completed, it will be possible to move on to more responsible activities: a plan and a draft. Drawing up a plan will allow you to organize the contents of the outline. Thus, the structure of the future essay will already appear. After that, having at your disposal a plan, ready-made materials and evidence, you can start writing a draft.

A draft is more than half the work of writing an essay. All the main thoughts, all the main evidence – all this is already in the draft.

Where to start writing a draft? From the first sentence, of course! There are entire articles on the Internet and even individual sites devoted to the problem of writing the first sentence in an essay. The objective of the first sentence is to interest the reader with his story and his personality immediately. For example, the first sentence may be the chronological ending of a story. In this case, the rest of the text will be presented in the form of memory. This is a well-known technique widely practiced in fiction. It will be appropriate to use it also when writing an essay.

It is important to remember: an essay is the author’s work of the applicant. It is futile to try to deceive the admission committee. All of these officers are professionals, and therefore they can easily distinguish authorship from plagiarism, your own style – from the processed text, which is widely available in the library or the Internet.

Hence the conclusion: you have to write yourself.

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The applicant has already become convinced of how serious, responsible and hard work is writing an essay. Alas, not all applicants are writers. Not every applicant has the ability to write, especially to write a text that would pleasantly surprise the commission and deserve an A+ rating.

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Proofread Your Draft and Outline

So, the drafts turned into a plan, a plan, respectively, into a draft. Proofread is the final step before writing an essay. Everything needs to be checked: is the story interesting, what evidence and facts are used, what conclusions can be drawn from the written text, how this text and this story characterize the author. Checking grammar and other errors in the task for the finished text.

And only after the applicant is convinced that the story in the draft turned out, he can go directly to writing an essay.

Write Final Paper and Double Check it

Although the draft is just the basis of the essay, you cannot use it as a “filler”. No need to try at all costs to increase the volume of the text. No need to stuff it with unnecessary words. All information should be concise and relevant. And one more important point: the commission will appreciate the original author’s style and relevant humor.

But the essay is finally written. Now you need to set it aside for a while. And the applicant himself must approach his checking calmly, without emotion. Everything needs to be checked: both style, and logic, and spelling. The presence of errors in the text or even typos will reduce the impression. Therefore, the text should be checked without haste and very carefully.

It will be useful if another person reads the essay. An objective view from the outside will make it possible to understand whether you coped with the task of “reaching out” to the audience.

Be sure to read the essay aloud yourself. By ear, the essay is perceived somewhat differently than on paper. All this is a double and even triple check before sending the text to the admission committee of the college.

Of course, you must specify all the details of the sender, so as not to get into an absurd situation.

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