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What is Analytical Essay and How to Write it Easily

If someone tries to define what kind of writing is an analytic essay, it will be a piece of writing where an author critiques, analyzes or just describes some situation, event…

Analytic essay, in general, considers something in detail, it is just like conducting something common from small pieces, uniting details to formulate an exact conclusion.

This type of work seems like something terrible and totally complicated, for some even impossible to do. But it requires a little, just to be attentive enough. Here are some guide rules on how to deal with it.

Step 1: Write a Plan for Your Paper

First of all, the future author should decide what exactly he has to write. After all, if he thinks that an analytical essay is an analog of summary, then he is mistaken. And this mistake may cost him a negative assessment of the teacher.

So, what is an analytical essay if it is not a summary? An analytical essay is a type of written work in which the author (student) explores and analyzes individual facts or events in a chosen field of human knowledge (history, literature, humanitarian and applied disciplines). The task of the analytical essay is the study of the subject of work and a reasoned conclusion.

Different groups of authors covering this topic on the Internet offer their views on the stages of work and give their own step-by-step instructions. In separate interpretations, STEP 1 is a set of preparatory steps for writing an essay. The list of these events is quite wide, but they are all traditional: defining the main idea of ​​the future essay (“core”, thesis), a clear idea of ​​the topic and content, searching for evidence).

These authors determine the writing of the essay plan after carrying out the above actions. And it is right. No work can be done without a plan. But no plan can be drawn up “from scratch”, without preparation, without background information, without the task and a specific goal.

The format of the standard plan has long been established in practice. It includes three traditional parts: an introduction, the main part (body) and the conclusion. The plan is the outline of a future essay.

Of course, a plan is not a dogma, but just a “skeleton” of an analytical essay. In the process, it can be adjusted, supplemented and refined.

Step 2: Divide and conquer. Write Every Part of Essay (Introduction, Paragraphs, Conclusion)

  • Introduction

The practice recommends for introduction the obligatory inclusion of the following points: sentence- “bait” (the beginning, immediately attracting the attention of the reader); topic, background information, thesis statement and arguments. The bait sentence comes first, then the thesis statement comes in. The task of the first is to intrigue the reader. The task of the latter is to explain to the reader the subject and significance of this paper, as well as to demonstrate the analytical abilities of the author. Thus, the introduction is both informing and an incentive to read.

  • Body

After the introduction is written, the turn of paragraphs of the main part (body) comes. Their number is not regulated, can range from three to five or more. Requirements are presented only to the mandatory structure. For each paragraph, the following parts are required: a topic sentence, author’s claim and the evidence of this claim. The second and third parts do not require explanation, and the topic sentence presents the reader with the main idea of ​​the author, which will be the subject of consideration in this paragraph.

  • Conclusion

The task of the conclusion is to demonstrate to the reader the outcome of the argumentation process. Here the author needs to show that his conclusions are supported by arguments and that the arguments prove the main idea of ​​the author’s paper.

Step 3: Combine Everything in Complete Paper

Some analytical essay writing guides refer to the task of composing an analytical essay as STEP 2. That is, at this stage, this includes introduction, body, and conclusion. When all these three parts are ready, and also when quotes are correctly and appropriately distributed in the text, it is not difficult to combine all the parts together. This work is greatly simplified by the sequence of writing an analytical essay.

No one will write a paper from the end, especially since the work is carried out according to plan. Even if the plan in the course of work is refined and adjusted, this cannot affect the sequence. Compliance with the chronological order is proof of the clarity of the mind of the author. Of course, you can write the work differently (even movies sometimes start to be shot from the final scenes), but this will not only not facilitate the writing process, but also complicate it.

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Are you having trouble writing an essay? This is a common cause. And the point here sometimes is not the lack of knowledge or analytical abilities of the student (the failed author), not laziness, not the habit of living by someone else’s mind, but the elementary inability to express their thoughts on paper. A lack of literary ability is also a problem. This is a big problem.

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Double-check your paper!

Some analytical essay writing guides relate this work to Step 3 and define it as “the final stage”. At this stage, the finished text of the analytical essay must be carefully checked for grammatical, syntactic, spelling and other errors. And you definitely need to check the text on the anti-plagiarism program, preferably even on two programs.

Since the text is perceived differently by ear, it is advisable to read the finished essay aloud. Perhaps there will be inaccuracies and errors in the construction of the text, semantic errors, illiterate phrases, and sentences. The author will have time to fix them.

Be sure to check the accuracy and relevance of the citation. Excessive citation harms the text (distracts the reader’s attention from the actual author’s text) and undermines the credibility of the author.

Finally, all possible errors in the spelling of names, geographical names, quoted authors and their works should be excluded.

Now – that’s it: you can bring your essay to the court of public opinion.

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